I got this from shmiracles like… last month? Ahh so many teas to drink, so little time!
Spending the weekend with my cousins because I have to bring my younger cousin to school tomorrow for a field trip and her parents are gone sooo PARTY AT THEIR HOUSE!!! **Tea party, that is :)
I brought a whole lot of teas with me, and I just brought my wee little teacup with the infuser because they do not drink tea at all and they don’t have tea equipment, so gotta bring my own stuff with me! All the teas I brought with me either has never been drunk before, or has only been drank once.
So today, I’m drinking this very chocolatey tea WHICH I FORGOT TO TIME SO I THINK IT’S DONE AHH Darn. I think it was getting a smidge bitter ahh well, it’s all good. It smells fine! If it’s bitter, then I’ll just think it’s dark chocolate, not sweet like milk :) I wasn’t the biggest fan of chocolate teas before, but now I’m starting to love them! I freakin love my toffee and marshmallow and cream and caramel teas though. Those are so good.
At first I thought this was going to be a nice cup from the smell, but I just tried it and yep, it got bitter aww :( Aww well. Maybe the second steeping might be better, and I’ll remember it this time!