Tea of the morning. I had to get up and be somewhere for work (8 AM is for the birds, says this night shifter) and I needed something STRONG. So, 2 tsp leaf and 8 oz of water + creamer was the answer.
Today’s cup was heavy on the vanilla and not as heavy on the bergamot, which was fine by me- it’s my preferred flavor balance, actually. And I have a lot more of this left than I thought so I better start drinking!
Flavors: Bergamot, Vanilla
When your day starts at 5:00 PM normally you would totally feel it, too, haha. Seriously – I don’t even know how you morning people do it!
man….8 is laaate lol
When your day starts at 5:00 PM normally you would totally feel it, too, haha. Seriously – I don’t even know how you morning people do it!
That’s funny. I have to get up at 5 am every day to make carpool and work for hubby and myself. I thought that was brutal!