Looking over all the other reviews for this tea, it looks like I had the exact same experience. This was good but not the cheesecake flavor I had hoped for. I more compare this to a sweet creamy lemony treat with a hint of a toasted flavor running thru each sip. Still good tho. Very bright and very delicious. Still a fan even if it isn’t cheesecake tea love!
Happy Friday everybody! Enjoy your day!
@Pattea: I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with the cheesecake flavor coming through. I recommend letting the tea cool for a little bit (since it’s a black tea & steeped at a higher temperature, I’d recommend 10 minutes cool time) to allow the flavors to develop a little. I hope that will help the flavors come through a little more for you!
I am having a similar experience with the Pumpkin Cheesecake one!
@Pattea: I’m sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with the cheesecake flavor coming through. I recommend letting the tea cool for a little bit (since it’s a black tea & steeped at a higher temperature, I’d recommend 10 minutes cool time) to allow the flavors to develop a little. I hope that will help the flavors come through a little more for you!
@LiberTEAS TY I will try that!
isn’t houjicha a green tea technically?
Jillian: yes, it technically is. I don’t know what I was thinking when I typed the above note! (Brain fart. That’s my only excuse.) With a green tea – I would allow at least 5 – 6 minutes cool time minimum!