I’ll freely admit I’ve been leery about trying pu-erhs. I’ve read about how they can have an earthy/fishy taste, and wondered why anyone would want that. I decided to go with a flavoured one to start with, hoping to ease in.
Verdict? It’s not bad. I had no idea whether I should rinse it or not, so I erred on the side of caution and rinsed the leaves for 20 sec before steeping it for 3 min. I can taste an earthy base note (relative to the oolongs and greens I drink), but it’s not overpowering. And not fishy, thank goodness. I don’t really taste coconut, but maybe it gives it a bit of creaminess that otherwise wouldn’t be there. I do get chocolate notes, which I like.
I’m glad I tried it. I don’t see myself drinking it all the time, but it was a good intro to Pu-erhs. My sample only has enough for 2 more cups, but I will try re-steeping this one and see how it changes.