Much love to QuiltGuppy for sending me this generous sample!!
Upon opening the package I was hit with a wave of sweet fruity goodness that took me back to my vacation in Mexico many moons ago. Heaven!
Brewed, I quite enjoyed it (for a green anyhow!) but had a feeling that Mum would looooove it. I made her sample a sip and yuppers! Funny, the fruity teas that I don’t fall in love with, she does… I guess I’m beginning to know her tastes.
Anyhow, she asked if she could take the rest of the sample to work!! My MOM asked if she could take some looseleaf tea to work! I was floored. Of course, given that I like this tea, and really do recognize the exceptional quality… I agreed. Anything to support a fellow tea addict right? esp one who’s fought it so vehemently ;)
Oh yah the tea… The pear and pineapple are definitely in there. Pear stands in the forefront while the pineapple lends a stronger, distinct sweetness that lingers in the aftertaste- esp in the second steep. Kinda like what you’d find in an oolong tea yet not as round.
I’ll be kinda sad to let this one go but its for a good cause! thanks again QG!