Mystery tea!
I ordered Cherry Buds from Kally, a rooibos… and opened my packet to find… a green tea??? Hmmmm.
They are sending replacement tea, but in the meantime, I am trying to figure out exactly which blend this is. None of those on the website correlate.
It smells like overly concentrated floral perfume mixed with Cherry. I suppose it could be pomegranate?
Also there are dried rose petals. Which leads me to think… Cherry Rose tea! only Kally does not have a Cherry Rose green tea!!
I brewed up a mug, and it tastes almost as perfume like as it smells. Not really my thing.
In the background there is a distinct fruitiness that could very well be cherry though it’s hard to distinguish through the perfume haze.
The base is pretty smooth. Definitely green. Sencha? Maybe? I can’t find that typical grassy profile, but again, then there is so much ‘floral’ going on that it could very well just be hidden underneath. I’m sure it will mellow out over time.
Oh well, it’s essentially free tea. If anyone wants some, let me know!
Heh, that’s what I was thinking… but then I figure, it’s not really free til we get the replacement!
it’s not “essentially” free tea. it IS free tea! :)
Heh, that’s what I was thinking… but then I figure, it’s not really free til we get the replacement!
You could just steep it like 3 times, maybe the strong smell will go away :D
Vortegne, that’s an interesting idea!
Err, unless the base is sencha haha