Muchos gracias to Azzrian for this delightful Genmaicha!
I don’t often make it at home because I often end up having some when I go out for sushi, but then when I do, I always remember how much better it is when made with fresh loose leaves and rice!
This is so warm and comforting and just like a big hug or chicken soup. The roasty toasty rice aspect really reaches down to that happy tea place, and then I am hit with a sweet finish that takes me by surprise every time.
I’m on my second steep now and I think it’s better than the first. Really enjoying this cuppa. Is it sweeter somehow? I think it is! Now I am wondering if I added sugar and forgot, but I really don’t think I did. If this is naturally sweet, it is darn good!
Anyhow, thanks again Azzrian for the “hug”!