Interesting looking tea – leaf at the end of a long branch. I had a bit of difficulty measuring the leaf.
Wet leaves smell of lilacs at first then nuttiness. It looks like a bush exploded in my steeper.
At 3 min (1st steep) – taste is nutty then flowers kind of a lilac/violet chaser. Taste is soft. Neither flavor is very strong. When I was done, I had a very drying sensation in the middle of my tongue.
5 min (2nd steep) – still lilacs. I lost the nutty, just flowers. I feel like I’m eating them. I’m not sure the tea is improved with the longer steep. I didn’t steep this a 3rd time.
It was interesting to have tried this. I usually like floral teas, but I think their is just too much lilac taste in this tea for me.
Flavors: Floral, Flowers, Nutty