Sipping a cup of this hot tonight. I’ve had it cold and hot now – cold is definitely better. When it’s cold steeped it’s like drinking sweet and juicy mangoes and peaches. Hot I can still taste the fruit but it’s understated, a little subtle. The fruit is there but not hogging the show.
I just finished grading 22 papers and I feel exhausted. There’s something about assigning points to a real and important subject matter that’s just draining. I feel like commenting, this matters to someone in real life. If I do badly on a Shakespeare paper, it doesn’t mess up Shakespeare’s life, after all.
Lately I feel very grateful for all the amazing things I have going on in my life, and deeply sad that so many wonderful people are having a hard time right now.
If I had to criticially read 22 papers, I believe you’d have to pick me up out of the pile of drool on the floor! Love to write; love the creative process; forget editing and proofing!