Lupicia is amazing. Why don’t I go there more often? Because it’s in the mall!
I couldn’t resist taking some of this home after I smelled it. It has a warm aroma of strawberry and rose layered nicely on top of the black tea. I love the tiny roses mixed into this tea, it’s so beautiful! Combined with the tin they have for this I felt like I was buying some tea art.
Brewed up the liquor is a deep red color. It’s slightly sweet with a light strawberry flavor that doesn’t taste artificial. Then there’s a hint of vanilla and lingering flavor and scent of rose. This is so delicious that I almost regret not going to the mall more often.
You and me both LiberTEAS. Although, it looks like they are infiltrating on the west coast, where you are, so it may not be long before you get one.
It really is a great store, and I love that they have small amounts of loose leaf out for every tea so you can see it and smell it for yourself. The only deterrent to going, for me, is they happen to be in the most crowded mall here in SF, which also contains a lot of pushy salespeople at kiosks.
sigh I wish we had Lupicia in the mall instead of Teavana!!!
They don’t have lupicia here either…:(
You and me both LiberTEAS. Although, it looks like they are infiltrating on the west coast, where you are, so it may not be long before you get one.
It really is a great store, and I love that they have small amounts of loose leaf out for every tea so you can see it and smell it for yourself. The only deterrent to going, for me, is they happen to be in the most crowded mall here in SF, which also contains a lot of pushy salespeople at kiosks.
I really, really wish they had a different name. I see the name and think, “alopecia.” (And if you’re hurling epithets at your monitor because now that association is stuck in your head, sorry.)