This tea has made quite the turnaround since I first tried it a few months ago. I first received it and was incredibly disappointed by the pungent and quite off-putting medicinal aroma that emanated from the sample bag, such that I was terrified that the 2012 Qi Sheng Gu cake I had bought would turn into this after a couple years. Thankfully, after giving this a second chance and placing my sample of it into a little cup in the open air for a few days to mellow whatever was left of that medicinal character from being in the sample bag, I’m almost able to drink this with an unbiased palate. This tea is a nice and pleasant semi-aged sheng It’s now nicely brothy and a little bit dry and earthy with a bit of fruit and floral character.

4 g 2 OZ / 60 ML

I’m also not a fan of the medicinal notes (and aromas!). This was one of the few blind buys that resulted in disappointment. Glad it seems to be improving. The Baotang had similar issues, but has shown marked improvement – the medicinal notes morphed into complex wood and dried figs.

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I’m also not a fan of the medicinal notes (and aromas!). This was one of the few blind buys that resulted in disappointment. Glad it seems to be improving. The Baotang had similar issues, but has shown marked improvement – the medicinal notes morphed into complex wood and dried figs.

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Eau Claire, WI native and current UW student living in Madison. My hometown had a tea shop that got me into tea before I went off to college to learn from talking to experts in Nashville and Madison, particularly the owner of Macha Tea Company. My tastes change with the seasons, but I love sheng and shou pu-erh, rock oolongs, Taiwanese oolongs, Yunnan blacks, and Japanese greens.

My love of tea is balanced by my love of good coffee (I have lists of the best coffee shops for Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Madison, Nashville, and Chicago) and my love of chemistry and environmental sciences, my fields of study in college.


Helena, MT

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