This is the last (to be reviewed) tea from my Happy Bag from January. Dry, it smells exactly like peach gummies (and looks gorgeous!). Steeped, the vanilla is stronger than the peach – although the peach is quite present too. The overall effect is very floral – perfume-y, even. I’m usually all for the strong florals, but even I’m finding this a bit much. The mouthfeel is quite creamy, probably due to the vanilla. I’m also getting honey, although I’m pretty sure there’s no honey or honey flavoring.
The base – or what I can taste of it underneath the quite strong flavoring – is fine, if unremarkable. When very hot it’s slightly vegetal, which isn’t a quality I enjoy alongside fruit flavoring, but as the tea cools the base recedes into the background. I’ve tried this hot and iced (brewed hot, then chilled); it’s pleasant both ways but I tend to prefer most flavoured greens iced, so that’s how I’ll be finishing off my bag.