Ever been to Silver Dollar City? One whiff of this and I was hiking in the Deepwoods on the way to Rube Dugan’s Diving Bell (long gone) to see that cute Junior Dugan guy that asked me to marry him…but I digress. All that sentimentality caused me to throw three bucks at a packet from the Savoy sample rack.
At five minutes (max recommended time) this was a little too heavy on the cinnamon and light on the maple corn, but was still a tasty, sweet autumnal snack in a cup. Will let up on the time next round to see if that changes the mix a bit.
My parents were obsessed with Silver Dollar City. We went there for several family vacations.
We’re incredibly sentimental about it … but only in the fall when it’s cool; not mid-summer when everything smells like wet swimsuits and melted asphalt :)