Bought a sample size of this one, mostly for my sister who absolutely adores Pu-erh. I’m hit or miss when it comes to them, so I’m wondering how this one will go down. I do have one from Upton that I find particularly good, but it’s not flavored. When I think Pu-erh, I don’t think fruit, so I’m a little hesitant. It definately smells like Pu-erh (dirt, earth), but there is a sweet scent coming through as well. It’s not a bad scent, for sure.
Now for the taste. Interesting. So it’s definately got that typical Pu-erh taste, but I’m also picking up a few extra flavors. The raspberry is there, mixed in with the dirt/earth taste. It makes it a bit sweeter. I also taste the crispness/zest of the orange. The white tea also adds an interesting profile, adding a bit of lightness. It’s also got a bit of a creamy dimension, which is nice. It’s definately not a dense Pu-erh. I’d say it’s light to medium bodied brew. It’s pretty good. My sister is pretty into it, so all in all I’m counting this one as a win. Would (I imagine) be great for Pu-erh beginners or those who are wary of them.