Another TTB sample. This was possibly the one I was most interested in because I’ve had reasonably good experiences with Simpson & Vail teas.
Mm, this smells buttery, creamy, vanilla-y, and caramelly in a burnt-sugar way, all what I would expect from creme brulee. And those are all present in the flavor as well; I particularly like the burnt sugar flavor, which is subtle but definitely present. The black tea base isn’t the star of this show but it has body and makes a decent background. There is a touch of astringency to this that is somewhat at odds with the creme brulee feeling of it; I would expect smoothness and richness, but this is a touch brighter. Definitely a pretty tasty tea and I’m glad I got to try it!
It’s funny..i wonder if we got a bad batch or something since i vaguely recall that all of us who tried it up here didn’t love it that much :(
Well there’s a decent sized pack of it in the TTB that’s coming your way, so maybe you can try it again!
Oh man! On the shopping list it goes! I really need to check out S&V sometime.
This sounds like something I would like…
It’s funny..i wonder if we got a bad batch or something since i vaguely recall that all of us who tried it up here didn’t love it that much :(
Well there’s a decent sized pack of it in the TTB that’s coming your way, so maybe you can try it again!
aah good to know :)