Simple Loose Leaf describes this tea as being similar to gunpowder green tea, with its smokiness and sweetness, and that’s pretty close to the truth. I know gunpowder green mainly as the base for Moroccan Mint teas and as the kind of default green tea I’ve encountered in many dim-sum restaurants, so the flavour was very familiar to me.
The dry leaves were dark green, tightly-rolled little balls, and smelled kind of vegetal and smoky.
The brewed tea was a nice amber colour with a hint of green, and it was slightly smoky and generally unassuming. However, after drinking a lot of it at once, it did start to become slightly astringent. For me, this would be the perfect kind of tea to have in the morning when I’m too groggy to make any important decisions – a tea that’s no fuss and undemanding.
Given the name of the tea – Sleeping Dragon Green – it’s kind of obvious that I needed to find a fictional dragon to link it with. Smaug? No, completely out of character. Something from Game of Thrones? Nah, I did that last week. Another dragon from Tolkien’s lore, like Ancalagon the Black or Glaurung? No, no, no. Not in keeping with this tea at all.
But don’t worry, I did think of a dragon to compare this tea to – though you’ll have to read the full post to find out which one:
Note: I steeped this twice. Both steeps were similar in flavour and colour.
@Cameron: Heh! I liked reading the first book so much that I started on the second one this evening. Almost halfway through already!
@Marzipan: Ooh, that set is lovely. But I think I’ll just keep that in my mental cabinet, rather than my physical one – need to watch my wallet a bit.
Hah, I love the Dealing With Dragons series! :D
You should drink it from:
@Cameron: Heh! I liked reading the first book so much that I started on the second one this evening. Almost halfway through already!
@Marzipan: Ooh, that set is lovely. But I think I’ll just keep that in my mental cabinet, rather than my physical one – need to watch my wallet a bit.
I know, gorgeous but expensive.