37 Tasting Notes
june 12/17 oldest son is at kickboxing, youngest is busy playing with his homies, so its time for impromptu gong fu!! im doing this review mid session, steep 3 is cooling down right now. so far this one is shaping up to be my favourite ive tried so far from the w2t order i made. a bit of sourness in st3, but nothing too severe. getting some sweet with the sour in st4 like honey on a tart green apple. bonus coverage: the shrimp curry im making for supper is tasty af, i feel like im the bolo yeung of the kitchen right now. with st4 and 5 the apple tart, and sour are going up. after 8 steeps im at peace with this tea. of the samples ive tried from my order so far it wouldnt suprise me if this was finished first. another gong fu session after the kids go to bed? only time will tell.
june 8/17 the second tea i tried from my w2t order i got in yesterday. used 8g for 100ml this morning instead of the 6.5 i used yesterday, and liked it a bit better. there was still some tobacco flavour, and a woody aspect in the first few steeps, not like the old growth forest type of woody, but more like you were in a lumber yard woody. after the first few steeps the sourness kicked in, and the woodiness left. to my taste this sourness is a bit of a deal breaker.
october 12/17 i like this quite a bit more now. earlier this week i remembered a tea that tasted just like good host iced tea, but hot. it was this one.
may 19/17 i love trying new teas that ive read about, and thought i had an idea about. smoky notes you say? this is like your disrespectful grandpa blowing cigar smoke in your face as you sip your tea, or stirring your regular tea with beef jerky. this is in no way a daily drinker for me, but it is so unique it fills a certain niche, and i can see myself drinking it once in a while. i almost want to make a cup of this with milk and sugar sometime just to see how weird it tastes.
Flavors: Smoke
may 19/17
at first it was all leather, and a bit of berry, though i cant quite pinpoint which berry. after a while the leatheriness mellowed out a bit, and a baked apple flavour came on strong for me. something i was quite suprised about was just how quick the brief bitterness transformed into such strong sweetness. not while the tea was in my mouth, but after swallowing. that dapper library flamingo definitely knows whats up.
may 17/17
wet leaf has an umami smell. about 7 steeps in, and this is certainly gripping of the mouth and throat, but not in an unpleasant way. getting orange, and a bit of pear flavour. i think the orange marmalade flavour is tied a little to the bitterness of this tea, in fact so far it is a little too bitter for me atm. going to throw this in the fridge to cold brew.
may 17/17
first real non flavoured loose leaf black tea, and this is so different from the regular bagged tea. delicious, unique taste. there was a word i was looking for until i read the tea description. malty. drank about half of my 500 ml mug black, then added milk and sugar, and it is amazing both ways. i wonder what part of my tea journey i will start to be more discerning with teas as opposed to just constantly being blown away by 95% of the teas i try.
may 17/17
this was a good tea. wet leaves had a bit of a medicine smell to me, and honey. nice and smooth. there was some sweetness especially in the aftertaste. there was quite a bit going on taste wise, but i honestly could only identify the honey flavour. after about 15 or 16 infusions im going for the killshot. feeling a slight calm qi.
may 16/17
wasnt expecting a session tonight, but the kids went to bed, and the wife packed it in early, so here i am. got this with my first package from the yunnan sourcing tea club. so many firsts with this one. i have nothing to compare this to, but im just going to throw this out there. i mustve went about 15 steeps or so. smoky, tobaccoy. i got a slight bit of astringency at times, but my mouth was always far from dry. after 7 or 8 steepings a baked apple taste came out while still maintaining the smoky tobaccoiness. the last couple steepings had a sourness to them. the taste, and especially the smell of the wet leaves brought the ghost of a memory that i couldnt quite grab. a little later it came a little more, something about arriving at a hotel, or somewhere at night as a kid. this is my first raw puerh, and this is the best tea i ever drank. if i can say that so early in the game with so little experience i cant wait to find out whats in store. cha qi fit this evenings atmosphere perfectly quiet, calm, meditative, heightened focus. finishing this off with a killshot 20 minute plus steeping. to my untrained sense of taste this tasted basically like a regular steeping albeit a bit flatter.