Following 3 Tea Drinkers
Jeff Byrnes
Upright/electric bassist, web developer, former Mac Genius, avid reader, vide...
This is You :-D
Upright/electric bassist, web developer, former Mac Genius, avid reader, vide...
Experience design (, podcaster, Instructional Design UMB grad student (web tech focus). Photos, music, bicycles, trees. Progressive/libertarian.
Loose-leafer, of course. Try to limit myself to a pot a day at work, usually after lunch. I prefer straight varietals, and drink 2:1 greens to blacks.
Dragonwell and Gunpowder from China are my favorite greens, Assam is my favorite black. Earl Grey is the only “flavored” tea I drink regularly. I always add a bit of honey to my cup.
Medford, MA