I’m not generally one for fruity teas, but this is 1/2 of my favorite iced herbal blend. If you’re ever looking for an awesome iced tea on a hot afternoon, try blending this tea with Teavana’s Peach Tranquility and add just a touch of rock sugar (seriously, though, just a touch or you’ll over-sweeten), and prepare to have your mind blown.
Here are the brewing instructions I use when I make a pitcher:
66oz pitcher with infuser
2/3 cup Pineapple Kona Pop
2/3 cup Peach Tranquility
4-6 tsp rock sugar (depending on your taste)
I usually do a cold brew (because I’m lazy), so I’ll use a little hot water to dissolve the sugar, then just room temperature to fill up the rest of the pitcher. Then I put the infuser in, screw the lid on, and stick the whole thing in the refrigerator overnight. By the next day, voila! Awesome caffeine-free iced tea.
A note: The rock sugar is incredibly important, even though you’re only using a tiny bit, because without it this tea is very bland. The sugar brings out the taste of the fruit.