Big day for my Yunnan Sourcing haul. I’m trying this one side by side with the dehydrated-at-green version here (https://steepster.com/teas/yunnan-sourcing/95289-chou-shi-king-of-duck-shit-dan-cong-oolong-tea).

“Aroma” is right… roast, spinach, floral, sweet potato from the steaming leaves. Pow pow.

Pours a light yellowish brown. Smells of vanilla, creamy, cake… like if you caramelized some delicate Alishan notes… which is not what I expected after smelling the steamed leaves or seeing how dark the dry leaves are. Tastes like caramel, cooked spinach, sweet potato… but all very delicate and first-steepy.

Liquor is not much darker on the second steep, but the aroma is getting heavier… I can definitely smell the cream and florals with some caramel. Everything’s more intense in this pour. Butterscotch, stronger florals, roast coming through more now, white bean umami.

Opened my little pot to check on the wet leaves again after the third steep — got really bright flowers coming through roast on the nose. Campfire in a meadow full of wildflowers. Vegetal, floral, and roast spread evenly across the palate.

I over-steeped the next one. Extremely forgiving, just a little bitterness detected toward the cooler end of the cup. Nose is mostly vegetal. Flavor is more mellow, wood, perfumes, and florals. Still some roast permeating.

And just like that: florals are gone, wood perfume is gone, even the roast is mostly gone. Maybe I understeeped this cup, due to oversteeping the last? Wet leaves, earth.

Nice long steep on this one. Mushroom. Earthiness. Florals and Wood perfumes are definitely gone. Even the roasted flavor is pretty well absent here. Celery. Going to end it here… as much as I enjoy the watery vegetables, I anticipate the next steep is going to be more water than vegetable.

This is nice. And fun. It tastes a little loosey-goosey, maybe — casual, a beer instead of a scotch. But it’s tasty and I’m glad to have some in my cupboard.

Flavors: Beans, Butterscotch, Cake, Caramel, Celery, Creamy, Floral, Mushrooms, Perfume, Roasty, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Umami, Vanilla, Vegetal, Wet Earth, Wildflowers, Wood

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