I have only had a few pu-er teas, and they were unflavored ones. I did like them, although I can’t say I ever woke up in the morning thinking, “Gee, I sure would love a cup of pu-er right now!”. Black tea still holds the highest place in my tea heart!
This particular flavored pu- er could change all that. Today I was having it with a friend and we had a but of moderately strong cheese with it. Something in the tea flavor was really shining through, and had a minty quality without being mint, rather hard to describe, but that high note was singing out over the taste of the cheese. Looking it up, I realized it must be the fennel in this. I have never cooked with fennel. My only experience with it is when I go buy plants in the spring and I run my hands over all the herbs and enjoy the scent. This is really excellent. I would never have known it was pu-er, so if you love pu-er already this one may disappoint you. But if you love fig and fennel, I think this is a very tasty choice. It is a unique and enjoyable cup of tea. Thank you, Quiltguppy!
The mention of Fennel worries me a little .. I do love licorice and licorice tisane for that matter, but I just can’t imagine it paired with a pu-reh ?! Fig on the other hand sounds yum ..