I have been eyeballing the Harney and Sons matcha for a while now. I reasoned that you really should buy matcha from companies that specialize in matcha. But I was curious. Not two but three grades of matcha? And good reviews! But oy! The price of the ultra thick.
In the name of science and for all my friends on steepster, I bit the bullet and ordered not just this one, but the ultra thick grade as well, while it was on sale. So I can compare. For you guys! For science! After all, with the discount applied the ultra thick came down to about the same price I pay for everyday matcha. (Not culinary. Everyday.)
There is a plastic lid that snaps on, and under that a metal lid with a pull tab. And under that a silver sealed bag. Cutting it open, the ultra fine powder puffs out and I lament every single grain. I lost perhaps 1/2,000 of a teaspoon. Tragedy!
This is electric green. Really? This isn’t the really expensive one! Right? Nope. I opened the right one. Double check the can. Confirmed. This is the middle grade.
I add two scoops to my matcha bowl and make a paste with cold water. This is the thickest paste any matcha has ever made for me. (I check the can again. I wonder if I have confused which is the ultra thick. Nope. This is not the ultra thick.) I added the same amount of cold water as ever. And then it whisked up to a lovely froth.
It has great smooth flavor that lingers well after the bowl is empty. It was served with Brie on crackers to tide me over until hubby, who is running late, gets home from work. What will the ultra thick be like? I can hardly wait to find out!
Definitely worth ordering again.
Aww, you’re a trooper! I would have never thought to try their matcha but I’m glad that it was worth the money for you.
Smiling. As I mope around wondering why I can’t get a discount. Free shipping, though, so…?
I have a code, Comm Guy!