My eldest daughter took my youngest daughter to the Yucatan for a little adventure and I stayed home and kept the pup and the hedgehog. Today when I went to leave the animals and get my child back, this box was waiting on the doorstep! No, I didn’t open it! Never would I do such! But when they got home from the airport, eldest made a pot of it. She is a huge fan of mint and mint teas.
I am not a huge fan of mint or mint tea. I don’t hate, it just doesn’t appeal to me strongly, thought cool mint on a hot day can be very refreshing. So this was enjoyable, but not something I desperately have to have myself. I prefer spearmint to peppermint in Moraccan Mint tea, so the emphasis on spearmint in to pleased me, though the is peppermint as well. Alas, I didn’t pick up on vanilla very much. Perhaps if I had let the cup cool a bit I would have tasted it more. All in all a good cup, and if you love mint you can give it a try.
This is the best tea name I have ever read. It’s simultaneously evocative and question-raising. I get this great mental image of a t-rex who just lost his prey or a triceratops awoken mid-nap. But I also wonder: “Are there other dinosaur moods? Did actual dinosaurs have feelings? Personalities?” I would probably be too entranced by the name to remember to drink the tea!
They have a tea called Scandalous Man Friend that I want to try just because of the name! And Boobage was pretty funny – I think it has herbs that are good for nursing moms.
This is the best tea name I have ever read. It’s simultaneously evocative and question-raising. I get this great mental image of a t-rex who just lost his prey or a triceratops awoken mid-nap. But I also wonder: “Are there other dinosaur moods? Did actual dinosaurs have feelings? Personalities?” I would probably be too entranced by the name to remember to drink the tea!
What a cute name for a tea!
They have a tea called Scandalous Man Friend that I want to try just because of the name! And Boobage was pretty funny – I think it has herbs that are good for nursing moms.
Yucatan! Awesome!