I’ve had this quite a few times and it is delish! I just finished it off a few days ago and thought I would make one last review only to find out I never reviewed it! I must remedy this!
First of all, this is really nice hot or cold. I prefer 4-6 minutes if I’m adding milk or ~3 if not. For cold steeps I brew overnight or for at least a few hours. It is very nice on its own or lightly sweetened with agave. It is not too tannic in a way that is bitter and overpowering, but there is lots of flavour there. The fruitiness is natural, but it is difficult to pick out distinct fruits. I want to say strawberry and notes of honey, tropical fruits, and maybe apricot. I do not get floral notes but the vanilla is present in the aroma. I like how versatile this blend is. Perfect for a cozy cup with milk and sugar but just as nice plain and iced in the summer.
Flavors: Apricot, Fruity, Honey, Strawberry, Sweet, Vanilla
I love this tea, but I don’t think I have ever tried it cold. It hadn’t even occurred to me. Now you make me want to give it a try!