This is my first chado tea from a dozen samples. The teas were inexpensive, the samples are generous, and shipping was reasonable and quick.
This tea is supposed to be black tea with honey, caramel, and vanilla. I don’t taste the caramel or the vanilla. It’s heavily scented with what I guess is a very floral honey. I tried to smell one of the chunks to see if it smelled like honey and ended up snorting it up my nose, gagging, then giggling. I’m one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met.
Anyway, the tea is ok, but smelly. It’s better with sweetener than without. I haven’t tried it with milk because it seems like a bad idea and I’m at my bad idea limit for the day. Not destined to be a favorite or a reorder, but drinkable. It doesn’t go bitter if oversteeped. It leaves a lot of powdery sediment in the bottom of the cup.