I ordered 1/2 oz of oriental beauty as I wanted to test it before getting more.
This is TheTeaFairy’s note about it which made me want to try an oriental beauty tea and thanks for that, I’m seduced.
I am particularly happy with BT straight teas because until now I loved them all and this one is not an exception.
I adore how the honey notes and the fruity ones pairing so well together. I recognize some apricot (and I love so much apricot).
I should say that if all straight teas were the kind of this one ,PTA or TWM I would declare and shout on the roofs I definitively prefer straight teas to flavoured.
It may be my first step before passing on the other side of the tea mirror.
Yay! I’m so glad you’ve found some straight black teas to love!
Woo Hooo! :D