The beau and I had 4 or 5 steeps of this last night after a great supper of homemade pad thai. We are anxiously awaiting the opening of a new Thai restaurant in the town near us, but so far no dice. So we took things into our own hands!
This was a great choice afterward for our night tea. This is a habit I picked up from a great friend and her husband of 25 years. They are kindred spirits even if we are 20 years apart in age. For their whole marriage, her husband has prepared coffee for them to take to bed and enjoy before going to sleep. Both of them like whatever is left cold in the morning, and it creates a nighttime ritual for just the two of them, perfect for the parents of four great kids.
After commenting on how brilliant that is, my husband started making night tea for us, usually my choice of tea, as we have no problems sleeping after tea. Or while drinking it. He usually finishes his, and I get halfway through mine, but I love it. We don’t have kids yet, but it is still nice to carve out a ritual for us in the midst of busy lives. Due to my propensity to fall asleep as soon as I am in bed, we usually enjoy this in the living room but it works for me. We also read bedtime stories to each other since I’m just a really big kid. We’re almost done the Philip Pullman collection of Grimm’s Fairy Tales and I am looking forward to reading the Tales of Trenzalore next. Except whenever hubby reads, I fall asleep. He puts up with a lot. :)
SO! We used half the pack, which I got in the Mandala Shu sampler of a few months back. This is the second one I’ve actually managed to try. Probably should have used all 7 g but I wanted two goes at it, and my cups are small. Gave it a rinse, which was very pale and didn’t open it up very much and then drank the first real steep at 30 seconds (boiling water). It was earthy, with a smoky note. I was reminded of a campfire in the rain, it wasn’t overpowering, but very nice. Through all the steeps, that smoke note remained, and was present with some earthiness, some leather, maybe some mushroom flavours. I increased the time with each steep and the leaves really let go of each other with each steep.
This tea had no bitterness or astringency at all which was really nice. As I got further on, I got more sweetness but it was never a really sweet tea. It was rich and nice, very pleasant but a bit mild because I didn’t use enough leaf, I imagine. I was trying this to see if I should get a cake of it in the mandala order I am considering since they’re having a sale, and I think for an easy drinking, every-day, no-thought-required shu this is fantastic. We both really want a few cakes of shu that we can just have western or gongfu, with no fuss. I want one at work, at home, and the beau wants one at work too. For now, finances and common sense dictate we settle down a bit but if I do this order, I will definitely add a cake of this. Really nice easy drinking shu – if you’re afraid of it, try this.
Flavors: Campfire, Leather, Mushrooms, Smoke, Wet Earth
Oh, we fight plenty and can be very petty but we’ve been together since we were 15 and were fortunate to grow into ourselves, with each other (flaws and all). After ten years, I’ve noticed the less time we are able to spend together, the more we fight, so I’m learning to focus on us even when it doesn’t seem like there is time. He is a video game guy and I am book girl but we share both those interests and many others. Unusual maybe, but works for us. Luckily! :) Neither of us had a great example by way of our parents for relationship happiness either so we try to learn from those who know better to avoid the same mistakes.
My spouse and I are a book girl and a video game guy. I will read a book on the couch while he plays his game a lot of the time, just to be in the same room together. <3
I like playing video games well enough, but nothing compared to him. I also read while he plays. It’s great system! When we did our vows (independently) he made a bunch of references to chapters and stories and I agreed to be his player 2. Maybe we’re all on the same wavelengths in the tea drinking world!
You sound like an adorable couple.
Oh, we fight plenty and can be very petty but we’ve been together since we were 15 and were fortunate to grow into ourselves, with each other (flaws and all). After ten years, I’ve noticed the less time we are able to spend together, the more we fight, so I’m learning to focus on us even when it doesn’t seem like there is time. He is a video game guy and I am book girl but we share both those interests and many others. Unusual maybe, but works for us. Luckily! :) Neither of us had a great example by way of our parents for relationship happiness either so we try to learn from those who know better to avoid the same mistakes.
What a slew of bonus commas. I love the comma today – I’m keeping it in business.
Also, thank you!
My spouse and I are a book girl and a video game guy. I will read a book on the couch while he plays his game a lot of the time, just to be in the same room together. <3
I like playing video games well enough, but nothing compared to him. I also read while he plays. It’s great system! When we did our vows (independently) he made a bunch of references to chapters and stories and I agreed to be his player 2. Maybe we’re all on the same wavelengths in the tea drinking world!
That is adorable. :)