Thank you Liquid Proust for this sample!
Tasting #1 – Steep Time 2 Minutes
Very faint in aroma, and it actually smells like cannabis. Almost a clear color, barely any flavor other than the slight toasted flavor in the back of my tongue.
Tasting #2 – Steep Time 4 Minutes
More toasty in aroma, like burning greens. Smokey flavor, again most noticeable in the back of my tongue.
Tasting #3 – Steep Time 6 Minutes
Not much change in aroma, the color has deepened slightly.
This tea doesn’t taste grassy and vegetative, it smells and tastes like decay. I’ve never tasted a tea like this. I would say that every other tea I’ve ever had has always tasted lifeful and rejuvenating, and this is not that. Its complicated and conflicting, the flavor is good but I feel contemplative. Like wilting flowers, I know what was once alive but am faced with transition to death. This tea makes me self reflective and I’m finding a desire to create with my complicated feelings.
Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Burnt, Cannabis, Compost, Decayed Wood, Dirt, Dry Grass, Hot Hay, Smoked, Toasted