drank Pomegranate Pizzaz by Bigelow
85 tasting notes

I liked this tea. I know there are a lot of others who are not very fond of this tea, but if you like fruity teas you will probably like this tea. I tried it hot and I enjoyed the taste and as it cooled I think I liked it even more. Next time I get ahold of a bag of this, I will make it as an iced tea. It will be great during those hot summer months.

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I am a big collector of teas. I enjoy tasting all kinds of different flavors from many different companies. I do tend to prefer my teas iced. I am not really into flowery teas, give me spice, fruit, or dessert teas and I’m a happy girl.

Here is my rating scale:
Under 50 – Did not like this tea
51-60 – Not my cup of tea, but others may like
61-70 – It’s alright, probably won’t drink again
71-80 – Good tea, will drink again
81-90 – Better tea, will restock this tea
91-100 – Best tea, must have this in my


California, USA

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