86 Tasting Notes
This was narrowly a thumbs-up based on the presentation portion not the taste. It always plays out the same. The practical side of me dislikes the excessive packaging but let’s face it – I’m always hooked when I see it brewed. A clear glass cup with the narrow silk Tea Forte pyramid reaching up to the sky is truly a work of art. The Flora blend produces a beautiful color but the vitamin C taste from the hibiscus of this blend was too acidic for my taste.
I have to admit that this if my favorite tea. When one family heard about my tealog, she wondered what I’d write about since this is all that she usually sees me drink. I enjoy this tea any time of day – refreshing in the morning. At bedtime brewed as a decaf, it is a low-cal substitute for a cup of hot chocolate. With the mint it is a great tea to settle an upset stomach. Since it contains both black and green teas, I feel like I’ve covered all angles. I guess you’d have to call this my comfort tea.
I originally picked up the small packet because my father-in-law enjoys apricot tea. At almost 90, he doesn’t adapt well to change so he went back to his normal routine. Not one to waste anything, he sent the tea back to me. This is an example of letting a great moment pass by. I think it would have been great fresh but now needs a little something else at this point. I plan to use it for ice tea and add a little mint.