This is really good!
I first tried 1 bag in 6oz, steeped for about 5 minutes.
It smelled EXACTLY like lemon cake-and tasted good, but not really cake like. Just smelling the nearby teabag made me SO HUNGRY though…and a rumbly belly isn’t the best when it’s bedtime. It was also good with a little honey, but again not quite cake.
Tonight I tried two bags in 8oz, also steeped for 5 minutes. Same yummy smell-added 1/2 tsp of sugar and was honestly surprised by how cake like it suddenly tasted! Like, exactly like lemon cake! I then added a tiny bit of milk, but I’d skip it next time since it took a bit of the flavor down. Some benefiber, however, seemed to help it feel more satisfying, adding to the “cake” effect (without changing the flavor or texture) so I was left actually relaxed & not hungry like last time.
And now I’m super sleepy. Long day, nummy drink. I think I’m gonna go to bed early.
Flavors: Butter, Cake, Citrusy, Creamy, Lemon, Pastries, Sugar, Sweet, Tangy