Having an odd day so far. I’ve been at work for…4 hours now, but have accomplished no work, though I did spend some time reading through new company processes so I guess that that maybe counts as work. I didn’t get much sleep last night so my brain is a little fuzzy and unfortunately caffeine doesn’t affect me so although it tastes absolutely delicious, this matcha will not help.
I got my Verdant TOTM yesterday and thought I might try it all today but I’m just not feeling it. So I went with matcha instead. I even went downstairs to the cafeteria and bought 3 things of milk in anticipation of having 3 matcha lattes before lunch, the next opportunity to buy milk. I may not drink any ‘normal’ tea today at all. Just not feeling it, which is quite odd for me. I looked over my selection of teas I have available at work and even the ones I’ve never tried before just don’t interest me. I think I’m going to have to try the Verdant teas at home which means I’m going to have to dig through my unopened boxes of tea I have in the entryway and find the one that has the gaiwan I bought. I don’t remember which company I even bought it from. This happened when I tried to buy another electric match whisk too, I had to buy an entirely different model because I just couldn’t find the one I bought before. Hopefully they’re of comparable quality.
Anyway that was kind of babbling and not really talking about the matcha, which was delicious as always. Well always the two times I’ve had it. I was experimenting with adding mint matcha to my different matcha flavours yesterday but I think I’m going to spare this one that experience. I just don’t think this one will be improved by mint.
To recap: very tired. feeling stupid and off. matcha good.