I seem to be in the minority, but I love this tea. It is strongly flavored, and just breathing in the steeping licorice and eucalyptus seems to help. I have asthma and I tried this tea ona day in which I was having more trouble breathing than usual and was coughing a lot. This tea really did seems to help some, especially with calming the cough. It’s not a cure, but a bit of extra relief is always welcome. It is a pretty strong tea with unusual flavor and heavy licorice taste and smell, so it’s definely not for everyone, but I loved both the taste and the effects and will certainly be buying more.
My husband (who also has asthma) found this tea useful too. His favorite for asthma attacks, though, is Breathe Easy by Traditional Medicinals.
With your recommendation in mind, I just bought some Breathe Easy. We’ll see how it goes!