The fourth of Bluebird’s Tea Election candidates. This is one I haven’t tried before, and I don’t even remember when in was released. I must have been absolutely and completely off the radar at that point…
I’ll admit, I was worried when I saw liquorice root on the ingredients list, and large chunks of it in the actual blend. Initially, it’s not a problem – I get delicious banana flavour (ever so slightly underripe…) and for once it’s not super artificial. I don’t get much in the way of custard, but there is a light creaminess. It tastes to me like banana yoghurt; custard is pushing it a bit. The green tea base works well here, though. I think it helps with the slightly “green” banana flavour.
The end of the sip is where it all goes wrong, because liquorice. It’s all very nice and banana-y, and then there’s this smack of excessively sweet, cloying awfulness. The thing I hate most about liquorice root is how it seems to linger at the back of my throat, so I can taste it for ages afterwards. It seems to build with successive sips, which makes it more of a problem mid-cup than it was to begin with…
As it cools, I can taste a hint of chocolate from the cocoa shells. It’s quite pleasant, but not enough to override the liquorice. At this point, every other flavour is having to compete hard for prominence.
There are a lot of good things about this blend…if only it wasn’t for the liquorice.
What does the count at the top of each of your notes represent? The number of unique teas you’ve drunk during this year?
It’s where I’m tracking my 365 Days of Tea challenge. I’m drinking a unique tea every day for a year, which seems a lot crazier now than it did when I started!
Well, it looks like you’re ahead for the year so far, so you’re doing pretty good! I don’t have 365 unique teas in my cupboard (anymore) so I couldn’t do that. Anymore. Respect.
I started last November :) I don’t have enough in my cupboard to see it through, but I’m fairly confident that (with new acquisitions every now and then) it’ll work itself out.
This is the only tea that I would legit be upset if it wins the elections… because it is the only one of the five that I can’t personally drink (on account of the banana… that’s my one “villain food” in this world, that I simply can’t ingest in any form, since I can’t stand both the texture and taste/flavor of it). I was surprised to see it amongst the six candidates, to be honest. In fact, I’m always surprised to see how popular banana blends are in general from how often they come through my dashboard! I must be the only person that has a problem with that fruit. (And yet licorice root, which I commonly find people don’t like, I absolutely love… I must have a very off-kilter palate to the norm).
What does the count at the top of each of your notes represent? The number of unique teas you’ve drunk during this year?
It’s where I’m tracking my 365 Days of Tea challenge. I’m drinking a unique tea every day for a year, which seems a lot crazier now than it did when I started!
Well, it looks like you’re ahead for the year so far, so you’re doing pretty good! I don’t have 365 unique teas in my cupboard (anymore) so I couldn’t do that. Anymore. Respect.
I started last November :) I don’t have enough in my cupboard to see it through, but I’m fairly confident that (with new acquisitions every now and then) it’ll work itself out.
What a pity, because this world needs a properly done banana custard tea.
This is the only tea that I would legit be upset if it wins the elections… because it is the only one of the five that I can’t personally drink (on account of the banana… that’s my one “villain food” in this world, that I simply can’t ingest in any form, since I can’t stand both the texture and taste/flavor of it). I was surprised to see it amongst the six candidates, to be honest. In fact, I’m always surprised to see how popular banana blends are in general from how often they come through my dashboard! I must be the only person that has a problem with that fruit. (And yet licorice root, which I commonly find people don’t like, I absolutely love… I must have a very off-kilter palate to the norm).
I think liquorice root is one of those love/hate kind of things. If you really do like it, you’d probably enjoy Teapigs’ Liquorice & Peppermint. That’s the liquorice-est tea I know, and I hate it!