Almost forgot this one! It’s a backlog from Saturday morning.
Anyway, I picked up a few of these in tea bag form as a freebie from work. Our Malaysian International Officer brought them back from a trip, and invited us all to share. Never one to turn down tea, I did just that!
I didn’t have the highest hopes for this one. It’s a plain, bagged black, after all. It’s pretty nice, though. I drank it with milk, because that’s generally how I roll with this type of tea, although I can actually imagine it being okay without — I have another bag in my cupboard, so maybe I’ll give that a try. For some reason, I expected this to be a little rough and astringent. It’s not at all, though. I wouldn’t say it has a great deal in the way of flavour, but it’s silky smooth and very, very easy to drink. This would be an excellent everyday tea for those times when I don’t want anything heavily flavoured. It’s relatively sweet, with a something slightly citrussy about it. Not remarkable, but pleasant all the same. An excellent freebie!