I was going to make the 2008 Song of Chi Tse, but my Golden Shousy teapot isn’t done seasoning yet, so I thought I’d give one of these a try. They were given as a little tea gift from Berylleb.
This is a really interesting tea. I did two rinses, not because of flavor, but because it was hard to get the leaves to open. The wet leaves smell exactly like COFFEE.
It’s pretty amazing. I wasn’t expecting THAT! There are certainly other flavors here, but I can’t get past the coffee. It’s not just the scent. This tea tastes like coffee.
I know we are all tea lovers around here, but if you also dig coffee, then this is definitely for you!
I ordered before you told me about your connection. Is that what you mean? I will go the other route next time. :)
Isn’t it great that Berylleb adds free samples to everything!
Yeah, and the samples are really good!!!!
Told you guys, they are the best seller on Ebay.
Totes! I am very happy with my order. :)
I have 2 packages enroute from them now. Did you use the link for them?
I ordered before you told me about your connection. Is that what you mean? I will go the other route next time. :)
Yeah that is an Email for “direct connection” for them.