Method: 1 tbsp, 8 oz, 205 degrees, 10 minutes, French Press
Dry Leaf Aroma: Orange, spice, chocolate. Smells like orange cake.
Brewing Aroma: Orange & weird. Something smells odd. Can’t place it.
Flavor: I sampled some at 3 minutes and 6 minutes. The flavor was weak, so I let it go for 10. Even after 10 minutes, this has a mild flavor. I was hoping for more orange, but this tastes predominantly of cinnamon. The orange is a whisper. I have loved some of Verdant’s teas, but I seem to be striking out with their herbals. Too much cinnamon for me.
But I do love cinnaNOM!!! I got distracted by your “aroma of orange & weird”, lol.
I just realized I have a sample from Dexter…will try it later!
Eeeeeew, you like cinnaBLARGH!!!!! LOL. Try your sample. If you like it, I’ll send you all mine! : p
Thanks for the review, glad I didn’t order, don’t think it’s my style…
If you like cinnamon, you’d like this. If not, then no. :p
But I do love cinnaNOM!!! I got distracted by your “aroma of orange & weird”, lol.
I just realized I have a sample from Dexter…will try it later!
Eeeeeew, you like cinnaBLARGH!!!!! LOL. Try your sample. If you like it, I’ll send you all mine! : p
Lol, cinnaBLARGH was not the problem here…you were right: weird!! Thanks for offering to send me the rest of you stash though, but I’m gonna pass, haha!