The Ceylon White is an unusual white tea.
The leaves are long and dark, which almost remind me of a black tea. The aroma and flavor profile have that black tea quality to it, too.
There were malty rich notes throughout the session; without the astringency that black teas usually carry. However, this tea was smooth.
I would suggest steeping at 195 F, but slowly ease the steep time (5s, 10s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 60s), rather than start a higher steep time. The flavor began to mellow out after the 30s steep, but I pushed it a little more to the 60s-90s mark. The flavor wasn’t too present at the 90s mark, but it still left the thick mouthfeel, which worked itself on the roof of the mouth/back of the throat.This sample given to me from LP a while ago, but I’m finally mowing some tea samples down, to get to the ones I’ve yet to try. Thank you again!
Flavors: Malt
195 °F / 90 °C