Sadly, it has been a while since I’ve had the time to post a tasting note. But what a perfect way to get back into my semester at school, by taking the time to sit down and drink a complex oolong. I overleafed for my teeeeeeny gaiwan, but compensated with extra short steepings.
First steeping: Very sweet, lingering flavor. It sticks around on the back of my tongue for ages. It’s a kind of savory tea, it makes my mouth water a little drinking it.
Second steeping: More vegetal. I feel this one in the middle and tip of my tongue. There’s a layer of floral spice to it, as if cinnamon were extracted from flower petals.
Third steeping: Oof, I must have steeped this one too long. It’s very bitter and astringent. Gonna gulp it down quick and start on infusion four.
Fourth steeping: It’s starting to get more one dimensional. There’s one sharp flavorful note, but the other undercurrents of flavor have kind of disappeared. May stop with this one.
May thanks to Yezi Tea for providing me with this sample.