I placed a massive order with Teapigs a couple weeks ago, and just got it in the mail a few days ago. Since I’ve been feeling under the weather I decided to try out this tea, as a sweet treat to make myself feel better. Teapigs recommends steeping this tea for only three minutes, but I like my tea on the stronger side, and I usually don’t steep for less then five minutes. I decided to go with four minutes, since I don’t always enjoy licorice root.
Smelling this tea you can definitely smell the peppermint, it is quite strong. However with my first sip I was disappointed because the actual peppermint taste was extremely mild. On the other hand I found the licorice to be perfect, it was nice and flavorful without being too overbearingly strong. This tea did have a bit of a cough syrup sickly sweet undertone, but it wasn’t too bad. I think if I steep it for the recommended three minutes next time that it will fix that problem. I do still wish that the peppermint flavor was stronger though.
Try Peppermint & Rosemary from Time Out Teas Cornwall U.K
Try Peppermint & Rosemary from Time Out Teas Cornwall U.K