As my mouth is still full of peanut butter (I have a problem, k?) the nut flavour of this is kind of lost on me… but the banana is spot on.
Thanks so much for sharing, Dexter! I’ll do another steep later and see how it is. But this tea + peanut butter = delicious.
Edit: Steep 2 is good as well. 6 minutes. Banana-y, although not super banana-y. Walnut skin nutty flavour. I think I preferred the Cherry Latte Oolong (??) but this is also tasty.
2.5 tsp in 16 oz for 4 min plus some milk.
195 °F / 90 °C
4 min, 0 sec
I totally should have had peanut butter with this tea haha. Sounds like a delicious pair.
Mmm, peanut butter and banana! :)
AAAAh I’m getting a banana tea soon and this is making me hungry. ___