This is the first Earl Grey I’ve had in probably fifteen years. From what I understand, it’s not typical of a traditional Earl Grey to have marigold flowers in it. I have reviews (and will review more) of the Lipton pyramid teas. I like them, for a supermarket brand they’re not bad at all (I also tend to find them on sale around here for $1.50 a box).
This tea is delicious hot (I add a little Splenda), with light orange notes. As it cools it does take on a Froot Loops flavor, not sure why that is, but I still find it enjoyable. Sometimes I do double the strength and pour it over ice. It would rival any chain coffee shop ice tea I’ve had. It’s not fancy but it makes a yummy cuppa, isn’t that what tea drinking is all about?
Flavors: Citrus, Fruity, Orange Zest