189 Tasting Notes
Appearance: olive grey green sencha lead
Aroma when Dry: grassy, smooth, sweet (eastern) light, hint of floral
After water is first poured: creamy, buttery, vegital, sweet
At end of first steep: creamy, vegital, sweet
Tea liquor:
At end of first steep: clear
Staple? Type yes
Preferred time of day: any
At first ?: smooth, velvety, mineral notes, light vegital
As it cools?: notes flatten, get juicy vegital, soupy
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Hints of buttery vegital notes
Appearance: long green leaf
Aroma when Dry: heavy vegital,
After water is first poured: burnt spinach
At end of first steep: cream spinach
Tea liquor:
At end of first steep: light green
Staple? Type No
Preferred time of day: any
At first?: spinach, peas
As it cools?: tea deepens, gets sweeter,asparagus notes surface cloying
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Yes, with cloying heavy vegital notes
Oddly enough, I was just watching a youtube video on how to brew this stuff last night.
T.C that was AWSOME!!! I would have never known! I gave this tea a 59 the first time and i brewed it in a bag I will be trying this tea later today the way they sugest!!
That video was great. I have never been a fan of LongJing and it looks as though it could have been down to brewing it. I usually use my Gaiwan or Gongfu… I will be trying this out. Thank you :)
it looks to me likeit would there is not much color in the glass now we will all be trying this method :)
Appearance: fuzzy bicolored pearl curls
Aroma when Dry: sweet, bright, light floral
After water is first poured: floral honeysuckle, cherry blossom notes
At end of first steep: floral, fruity, cantaloupe notes surface
Tea liquor:
At end of first steep: clear
Staple? likely
Preferred time of day: any
At first ?: light fruity, mineral notes, honeysuckle, berry, melon notes high on the palate
As it cools?: tea gets bodied, brothy, sweeter, salt close
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Only slightly, mineral notes
Second Steep (4min):
At first: light mineral melony notes
As it cools: bodied mineral broth
Third Steep (5min):
faintly sweet mineral broth
Must have panda tea! My tea sensei who got me into this addiction is an extreme lover of all things panda. She would flip out if I got her Panda Pearls lol
I have panda pearls from a different tea company. The package states “The shape is made to resemble Panda bear tears and are a symbol of good luck.”
Appearance: green brown oolong kernel
Aroma when Dry: deeply milky creamy, nutty, hints of floral
After water is first poured: warm, milky, nutty, floral
At end of first steep: honeyed cream
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: clear
Staple? Type yes, would buy brand
Preferred time of day: afternoon, evening
At first ?: honey cream then nutty notes, closing on buttery cream finish
As it cools?: tea gets sour, brothy, slight salt notes, stays buttery
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? bearly, buttery cream notes
Second Steep (4 min):
At first: buttery, nutty
As it cools?: bodied, salty, brothy
Third Steep (5min):
Salty, bodied broth, fruit notes
Appearance: mid forest green, highlights of olive, medium jasmine buds
Aroma when Dry: slightly soapy jasmine floral
After water is first poured: moderate jasmine floral, hints of grass
At end of first steep: soft grassy jasmine
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: light grass
Staple? Type yes, would gladly buy brand
Preferred time of day: afternoon, evening
At first?: buttery jasmine notes, getting floral on the close
As it cools?: notes deepen,tea gets bodied, slightly salty, brothy, floral close
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Slightly, floral all across palate
Appearance: large rose hip chunks, long hibiscus bits, deep crimson red blend
Aroma when Dry: bright, fruity, tart, herby
After water is first poured: fruity, nutty
At end of first steep:fruity, nutty, herbal
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: light pink
Staple? Type yes, would restock with brand happily
Preferred time of day: any, medicinal, summer seasonal
At first?: bright, lightly tart
As it cools?: notes open up, deepen tea gets a bit more tart,
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? yes, a slight sour, tart earthy tang
Want to try chilled
Appearance: basic black leaf,, mostly coffee dark black, small curl
Aroma when Dry: malty, fruity, astringent
After water is first poured: fruity, malty, sweet
At end of first steep: fruity, sweet
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: Shadowy brown
Staple? Type No, would drink this one again, might buy
Preferred time of day: any
At first (without milk)?: flat, non astringent black
As it cools?: notes deepen, raisin notes surface
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? No
Lingers? Only slight mineral notes
Aroma when Dry: sweet spicy chocolate, faint cinnamon notes
After water is first poured: Hazelnut Cocoa
At end of first steep: hazelnut bonbons
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: light yellowy brown
Staple? possible
Preferred time of day: evening
At first (without milk)?: cinnamon, nutmeg, spiced hazelnut sugar, creamy close
As it cools (with milk)?: notes deepen, sweetness lessens, but tea gets creamier
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)? few oz of milk added after first notes
Lingers? Yes, hazelnut notes across the palate
With milk?hazelnut notes open up, spices deepen, tea gets lighter
Appearance: long fine leaf, dark forest green
Aroma when Dry: buttery, smooth, sweet (eastern)
After water is first poured: buttery, smooth, creamy, sweet (eastern)
At end of first steep: even smooth vegital
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: clear
Staple? Type likey, would use brand again
Preferred time of day: any
At first?: smooth, brothy, salt seaweed note close
As it cools?: gets rich, creamy, salty, brothy
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)?
Lingers? Yes, sweet, silky, vegital, brothy notes, hints of salt
Second Steep(5 min):
At first: lightly sour vegital, sweet buttery close
As it cools?: gets a cloying sweet, sour vegital note
Appearance: small, thin curled grey leaf
Aroma when Dry: sweet beans
After water is first poured: vegital, soupy, sweet
At end of first steep: vegital, soupy, sweet
Tea liquor:
At end of steep: hit of green
Staple? No
Preferred time of day: unsure, first tasting
At first?: sour vegtial, brothy, bitter tangy close
As it cools?: gets more vegital, sweet notes mingle with the sour tang
Additives used (milk, honey, sugar etc)?
Lingers? Yes, sour vegetal notes across the palate
You might want to try lowering your water temperature to 65C and reducing steeping time to 30s.
thanks for the feedback on both your teas, if I have not passed them on, I will try them again with these guidelines!