I knew I’d have to do some sleuthing when this tea, which OMGsrlsy shared with me, came up with zero entries in the Steepster database. A bit of Googling and reading over Murchie’s site discovered that this tea, Royal Roads University, was initially called Hatley Castle, named so after the castle that sits on the university grounds (and is now a gift shop). All of this is wildly fascinating to me as a horrible historian yet avid BC-wide traveller, as many of the names associated with this tea are intimately familiar to me – and I even applied to a Masters program at Royal Roads a few years back (and am SO glad now that I chose to do other things instead).
Anyway, on to the tea! :) I overleafed slightly (two bags for a 12 oz. cup) however it seems to be quite lovely nonetheless. Rich, dark, almost coffee-ish, brisk, and honeyed. Surprising to me that this is a black-green blend!
Thanks OMGsrlsy for sharing this; I’ve now updated the tea listing to reflect the ‘old’ name.
Flavors: Honey
Haha. Thanks for the note! I haven’t tried it yet, and had no idea it was a black/green. I’ll have to make a note on my package so I use cooler water..
Hatley Castle is beautiful and has been used for films before.