So when I last reviewed this, I didn’t really like it all too much. Honestly, I still don’t see where the hazelnut is at. It’s only mildly chocolatey too. Non-flavored teas seem to taste more like chocolate than this one. In the end, it’s just a black tea that tastes a bit dessert-y.
Today, however, I finally finished off the last of my tin. I had bought it for my husband (then boyfriend) on our first Christmas. Back then, everyone I knew received tea as a gift at some point for some reason. Had I known my fella then the way I know him now, I’d have known that tea would be a waste of a gift. This guy feels neutral about tea at best. So our tin of Florence is actually almost as old as our relationship. Ah memories.
Anyway, he asked for some hot tea to help with his studies and it seemed like a good time to put this tea to rest before it started tasting too old (it’s already almost 6). I liked it okay, but it just doesn’t taste like chocolate and hazelnut. It never did. Husband made a sad face when I told him that was the last of his 1st Christmas gift from me. I said I could get more if he wanted, but he replied that we have more than enough tea as it is. haha.
Good bye Florence. Thanks for the memories. :)
Great tasting note! Thanks for sharing your story. :D