“Gentlemen! This tea was brought to me from India by a ship, then up from the harbour to a factory, where it was packaged and ferried by carriage to my door, unpacked in the larder and brought upstairs to me. All by men and women who work for me. Who are indebted to me, Crawford Starrick, for their jobs, their time, the very lives they lead. They will work in my factories and so too shall their children. And you come to me with talk of this Jacob Frye? This insignificant blemish who calls himself Assassin? You disrespect the very city that works day and night so that we may drink this. This miracle. This tea.” — Crawford Starrick, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
Well, I Love tea and, as is apparent, I also love anything pertaining to Assassin’s Creed.
Naturally, I could go on and on about who I am, about what makes me tick, about the weird things I hide in my closet… but it’s much better to just talk about tea and leave myself out of the equation. Yes, much better…
I like all sorts of tea (as long as it’s not sweetened nor sweet-tasting), herbal though, not so much. I don’t add anything to my tea, not milk (or soy juice), not sugar (nor agave), nothing but water and those beautiful, fragrant, delicious tea leaves.
French Province of Canada