A re-review of the first puerh I ever tried! It holds a bit of a special place in my heart for that reason, but it does not really hold water with my current palate and preferences. It is certainly not awful – there is some fermentation flavor left, but it’s not fishy or disgusting. Other than that, the flavor is simple and easy enough to like – some sweet, damp woodiness and earthiness. My main complaint with these little guys is just how dusty they are. Especially in the first 3 or 4 infusions, there is a lot of particulate suspended in the tea, and while it does lessen later in the session, is a problem throughout. Some people probably don’t have an issue with this at all, in which case these are a solid enough choice. I found it detrimental to the tea’s texture, as it was plenty thick, but not quite as smooth.
So in conclusion, this tea is not bad. It is simple and tasty, and potentially convenient on the go, but for the money, I think most would be better served by any of YS’s very high quality ripe cakes. You may have to shell out a bit more money per gram, but you get a much higher quality product in return. I still have a few of these around from early puerh orders, and I suspect I will finish them off in time, but they won’t be a reorder for me.
Flavors: Earth, Sweet, Wood