I received this from a friend this past spring, and I’m finally getting around to trying it. I’m not able to find much information about it, since the description on the Tea Cozy website is a bit off with their descriptions (they have 1 description for their Fuji Green Tea and it was simply cut and pasted for all their flavored green teas). The dry leaf is really pretty, long tea leaves (it looks like a Chinese Sencha) and big chunks of red fruit (strawberries and cranberries?)
I can taste a strong berry flavor here, definitely can taste Acai. A hint of pomegranate is in there too. I don’t really taste much of a strawberry flavor, it tastes more like blueberry to me. It is sweet and tart and really quite tasty.
As I continue to sip on this, I can taste a strawberry-like flavor developing. It’s really quite a nice tea. Would be good iced.