This has a very interesting aroma – I can smell the vanilla notes, the citrus-y notes, and some of the nutty tones of the rooibos. I am also getting some of the herbal-y scent that the others who have logged tea notes on this blend have mentioned. They meld together into this unified scent that is a little bit of everything. It’s different but it isn’t unpleasant. I like it.
And I am also enjoying the flavor. I like the combination of red and green rooibos, I think that the fruitier tones of the green help to cancel out some of the funkier flavors of the red. It has a nice creamy background from the vanilla, and the orange is fainter than I expected. I don’t know that I can actually pinpoint or describe the flavor that is emitted from the cactus flowers, but I can tell that there is something different about this. Almost a weird, sour flavor that hits the back of the throat. Again, not unpleasant, just unusual.