Time for something fruity. I know there are some horror film fans here so hopefully someone will know what I’m talking about…but tutti fruity is always going to be called tutti f***ing fruity thanks to The Devils Rejects. I was sat here thinking ‘hmm…what should I drink’ and then bam I saw it in my fruit drawer and said ‘I will drink some tutti f***ing fruity*. I can’t help it. It’s all I can think about. Damn you Rob Zombie!
Well this blend has mostly small/average sized ingredients and has a sweet and very herbal scent. Not quite tutti f***ing fruity but more curranty and dark.
Once steeped this tea is deep red in colour with a thick, tart hibiscus aroma. Not quite the tutti f***ing fruity I was expecting…
Flavour is hibiscus heavy and I can’t detect any fruit at all. It’s just a sweet, tart, floral, herby, hibiscus tea. I can maybe taste currants amongst the hibiscus but that’s it.
The positive side is that as far as hibiscus goes this is not undrinkable, just very disappointing. :(
I have a clip if no one knows what I’m on about. Warning – There is a lot of swearing so if your sensitive to the f word please don’t view.
Ha ha. I will never think of tutti fruity the same again.
I have a clip if no one knows what I’m on about. Warning – There is a lot of swearing so if your sensitive to the f word please don’t view.
LOL I’m glad I’m not the only one who always adds the f’in between tutti and frutti.